Notes from Udemy course
A container is the execution process which was created from an image.
docker ps -a
docker <start|stop> <container>
Stop all containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
Delete all containers
docker container rm $(docker ps -a -q)
EXAMPLE: billingapp
Load container from image’s Dockerfile [yml]:
docker image ls
docker run -p 80:80 -p 8080:8080 --name billingapp
- Angular: 80
- Backend: 8080
FROM: base image
RUN: executes command in local env
ENV: variable
ARG ...
VOLUME: define the filesystem. The host can share storage with the container thath remains after removing the container.
docker build -t <name> --build-arg JAr_FL... . (dot)
Docker-compose [yml]
Independent services, independent images
- Angular app –> Dockerfile (image)
- Java app –> Dockerfile (image)
Load billingApp recreating all images [yml]:
docker-compose -f stack-billing.yml build --no-cache
Run the containers:
docker-compose -f stack-billing.yml up -d --force-recreate
Virtual networks
Delete all networks (run before starting containers):
docker network prune
- Docker CLI:
Docker daemon: docker engine
Docker API:
Docker container: namespaced processes that are started and managed by the Docker daemon as requested through the docker API.
Docker daemon serves the Docker API using UNIX socket at /var/run/docker.sock